Students are encouraged to get involved with physics early in their time at Southern - working with faculty on problems that are at the forefront of physics and astronomy, developing and characterizing new materials, improving methods of cancer detection, building better telescopes to search for exoplanets, and probing the earliest microseconds of the universe!

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Southern鈥檚 Physics degree programs all include extensive opportunities for student research participation and guided independent study. The department has a tradition of holding significant external grants, continues to acquire cutting-edge research instrumentation, and is now housed in the university's new state-of-the-art science building. We have collaborative ties with technology-oriented companies in Connecticut to complement our interactions with physics and engineering faculty at nearby Yale and other universities. We are also actively involved in public outreach, including work to promote science education in Connecticut public schools.

Why Study Physics?

An education in physics gives you the chance to help construct the future while gaining a deeper understanding of the natural world.

Our physics students go on to do research, engineering, and systems development in industry, or to study advanced physics, materials science, or engineering in graduate school. Some have earned degrees in medicine, which increasingly depends on applied physics. Business and government demand analysts and managers to master complex systems and solve profound problems, ranging from telecommunications to global warming. At the heart of such processes are the principles of physics.

At Southern, you will learn the power of scientific thinking, build a respect for evidence, and see the consistency of natural laws. You will hone your scientific knowledge and mathematical skills as a basis for many diverse endeavors.

You will master techniques that let you attack meaningful problems in pure or applied physics. You will have the opportunity to work with contemporary research-grade equipment to learn experimental data analysis and build your computational and laboratory capabilities. You will also learn to communicate effectively with other students and professionals, and to work effectively as valued members of a team.

Study physics with us, and you'll be able to contribute sound scientific perspectives wherever the impact of physics and technology is felt.

Physics Newsletter - Fall 2024

Our latest edition encompasses the Spring 2024 Semester and includes highlights from students, faculty, and staff right here at Southern.