Religious Days of Observance

As we continue to enhance our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, Southern recognizes that cultural diversity extends to a variety of cultural practices in our community, including spiritual diversity. As Southern communities will be celebrating their respective upcoming religious holidays this academic year, we can show we care by being aware, respectful, and supportive to all.

Reflection garden with two students

Southern is committed to making every reasonable effort to accommodate religious observances, which include fasting and work restrictions in many religions.  On such days, it is important for all who do not share in these same practices to be considerate of their students, colleagues, and peers.

Religious Accommodations

Faculty should be mindful of holy days that might impact student class attendance or students' ability to complete assignments on respective due dates. Administrative and academic units, as well as student organizations, should consider holy days when scheduling department-wide or university-wide events and programming. See .

Students interested in holy day accommodations for class and lab assignments, attendance, or athletic practice/competition should contact faculty or coaches well in advance with such requests.  To learn about how to participate in a faith-based organization, please see . 

Religious Observances Calendar

To learn more about the various religious observances, please see the list of holy days observed by many students, staff, and faculty members in our community.  This list, though exhaustive in its inclusion of traditions represented on our campus, is not complete. Consequently, please direct suggestions for additions to the list of religious days of observance to DEI.

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If you have questions or need guidance on issues related to religious observance within the university, please contact the following offices.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Cindy Cardozo

Academic Affairs
Richard Volkman
Coordinator of

Interfaith Office
Rabbi Barbara Paris
Hillel Advisor
EN 227
(203) 581-1363

Multicultural Affairs
Dian Brown-Albert
Director of Multicultural Affairs
ASC 226
(203) 392-5879

Offices and Organizations